Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lemon, Chive & Chicken

We found this recipe on the cookography blog. It's a great site to check out with tons of great tasting options.

Some sort of pasta
2 chicken breasts
1 bunch chives
1 lemon
2 Tbs olive oil

1.Bring water to a boil for the pasta. Don’t forget some salt. Cook the pasta.
2.Cut the chicken breasts in half horizontally so that they are half as thick. Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
3.Cook the chicken filets over a medium-high heat with a little bit of oil. It should take 3-4 minutes per side to cook the chicken.
4.Zest the lemon, removing as little of the white part as possible. Juice the lemon into a large bowl and add the zest and olive oil.
5.Finely chop the chive and add them to the bowl. Chop the chicken width-wise into bite size strips. Add the chicken in with everything else.
6.When the pasta is done, drain and toss in the bowl with all the other stuff.

Kevin loved this. I thought it was just ok. I obviously used too much pasta (1 lb. of farfalle.) If I make this again I'd want to use pre-cooked chicken strips just to make this even easier. I might try this again, but I didn't love it enough to put it into our regular circulation of meals. It's the first recipe we found on cookography that we didn't think was the best thing in the world. On a scale of one to five: 3.5

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