Thursday, May 13, 2010

About Me

I'm a producer at a local TV station, which means I have a strange work schedule. Sometimes I sleep during the day and eat dinner for breakfast. Likewise, I sometimes get home around the time most people are waking up and I'm ready for dinner at 8:00am. It makes for a weird eating schedule, for sure.

When it comes to food, I get bored easily. Some people can easily eat the same things each week, but I love options. There are no "taco Tuesdays" or "pizza Fridays" in this house.

For years, I've been trying different recipes and saving the ones I like. The problem is, there's no organization to my madness. I have recipes in the computer, recipes on paper, recipes in my internet explorer favorites, recipes in get the idea.

I am in no way, shape, or form a chef. I don't even know if I'd call myself a good cook. In fact, my husband does a lot of the cooking in this house. I also don't consider myself a "foodie." While I enjoy good food, I'm not sure my pallate can really determine the difference between certain things.

I've created this blog not for the general public (though, I certainly hope you enjoy it,) but more for myself. I plan to use it as a way to organize the different recipes I've tried. I hope to review them and make notes of what I do and do not like.

I'll try to always provide links or information on where I found the recipe. My biggest goal is to keep the blog updated. If you know me, you know that I've made several "blogging" attempts and repeatedly failed at them.

-Green Like the Color

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